Saturday, November 06, 2004

Any suggestions?

I've been playing a game of interpret the horoscope for a few days now, suggestions would be appreciated:
"There's an interesting scenario brewing, involving a coworker, someone from out of town and someone you trust intensely. It may be surprising, but the end result will undoubtedly be positive."
On the upside, it looks like one of my prior clients wants to re-engage me if they can get the budget. It was my all time favourite job ever, so that would be cool.

S and I are back on talking terms, but I have definitely decided not to make it anything more than friends, she is far too much hard work. I know she has a lot going on in her life, father recently died, mother sick, recently separated from none-too-nice ex and so on, but I need to keep focused on making me happy and not other people, certainly not other people I don't know too well.


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