A drunkard's day :)
Well I've just rolled in from the pub, I think I'm going to have a hangover and a half tomorrow... But my delivery of the next installment of Grand Theft Auto should clear things up! Yay.
Today has been really cool, and it started in a really nice way too.
Last night My daughters tooth came lose while she was eating her supper, and she started to cry. Its been wobbly for a few days, and it has been her favourite party trick to wobble it for visitors. (Aren't they sweet in a grotesque kind of way, ho ho). I asked her if she wanted me to take it out for her, and bizarrely she said yes. (whenever my mum did that for me when I was a kid, I ran a mile screaming!)
So last night I took my daughters tooth out. Obviously we'd be expecting a visit from the tooth fairy...
I dropped some cash under her pillow and left a little note from the tooth fairy:
Dear A, Thank you for your tooth.
We will be using it to make a throne for our fairy queen at her new winter palace.
Spend your money wisely.
Lots of Love,
The Tooth Fairy.
Yes I know, I'm a big softy at heart. :)
This morning I woke her up at 6AM so we could got to visit J (more of that later). And the first thing out of her mouth was, "Daddy I'm still tired, I don't want to go... I wonder if the tooth fairy has been!" Big wide open eyes! She looked under her pillow, and you have never seen a child so happy in all your life. She spent the rest of the day showing the note off to everyone that came anywhere near her, and gave them a big gappy grin to show the missing tooth's old home! Little treasure. Its bits like this that repay with interest all the sacrifices the come with being a parent I guess.
So we got the train down to see J, met up with J's nephew and headed off to see A Shark Tale, not too bad, certainly entertained the kids. So no complaints there. Then we headed off to Pizza Hut and I had a huge blow out, but given the fact that that was the only meal I had all day, I'm not complaining.
Then A and I got on the train home, all good fun, till we got to London and found the Victoria line on the tube was closed along the part we needed.
We ended up using the Northern Line to Euston, then walking from Euston to Kings Cross for the overland to home. And A, bless her little heart didn't complain one iota even during the crush of the rush hour Northern Line and the similar crush for the walk down Euston road. I have such a good kid, I'm really proud of her.
I dropped her off home an hour late, but because I had phoned ahead, no problems, A was a little tearful, but soon got over that when she got to show mummy the gap in her pearly whites and the note from the Tooth Fairy.
On a very bizarre note, just prior to dropping A off, she announced that she was both black and white, but a little more black than white. (I'm white, my ex-wife is black, just in case you haven't realised yet.) I asked her why she was more black than white. The answer, "Because mummy told me so, what do you think daddy?".
A careful balance of good parenting and an honest answer was required. I really wanted to say, "Well darling, mummy is a fruit cake, loon or whatever you want to call her, and you are mixed race, both black and white, but in equal parts, and to be honest, your colour is not an issue, you are you and that is all that matters", but I compromised with myself and my daughters needs.
I came back with, "Well darling you are black and white, but in equal parts, but what is more important is that you are you", which I thought very diplomatic, accurate, succinct, and child friendly.
My ex-wife really is a fucking nutter! What was she trying to achieve by this, was she hoping that A would love her more than me because A was convinced she was more like mummy than daddy? At some point A is going to realise that she cannot rely on her mother for an honest and decent answer for most things, all I can do in the meantime is correct as nicely as possible what I see that is wrong, and wait for A to make her own mind up. If I became overly assertive in my dealings with this kind of crap, I would probably end up hurting A or putting her in the middle of a war. This way takes longer, but eventually the analytical skills of A will mature enough for her to realise who is a reliable source of information and who is not.
Anyway, on with the day, I headed off to the pub to meet P & D, got very drunk on a bottle and a half of dry white wine, then headed home, and I'm really proud of myself, I didn't even buy a kebab on the way home.
Got home and had a little chat for a while with a couple of people, who were a little funny with me, till I realised that my usual image for IM had somehow been replaced with one of a soapy woman's backside! Some drunkard friend who titted about with my computer is going to get a slap in the near future!
I'm now finally rolling off to bed, and I very much anticipate the delivery of GTA San Andreas tomorrow curtsey of Amazon.... Fingers crossed.
Today has been really cool, and it started in a really nice way too.
Last night My daughters tooth came lose while she was eating her supper, and she started to cry. Its been wobbly for a few days, and it has been her favourite party trick to wobble it for visitors. (Aren't they sweet in a grotesque kind of way, ho ho). I asked her if she wanted me to take it out for her, and bizarrely she said yes. (whenever my mum did that for me when I was a kid, I ran a mile screaming!)
So last night I took my daughters tooth out. Obviously we'd be expecting a visit from the tooth fairy...
I dropped some cash under her pillow and left a little note from the tooth fairy:
Dear A, Thank you for your tooth.
We will be using it to make a throne for our fairy queen at her new winter palace.
Spend your money wisely.
Lots of Love,
The Tooth Fairy.
Yes I know, I'm a big softy at heart. :)
This morning I woke her up at 6AM so we could got to visit J (more of that later). And the first thing out of her mouth was, "Daddy I'm still tired, I don't want to go... I wonder if the tooth fairy has been!" Big wide open eyes! She looked under her pillow, and you have never seen a child so happy in all your life. She spent the rest of the day showing the note off to everyone that came anywhere near her, and gave them a big gappy grin to show the missing tooth's old home! Little treasure. Its bits like this that repay with interest all the sacrifices the come with being a parent I guess.
So we got the train down to see J, met up with J's nephew and headed off to see A Shark Tale, not too bad, certainly entertained the kids. So no complaints there. Then we headed off to Pizza Hut and I had a huge blow out, but given the fact that that was the only meal I had all day, I'm not complaining.
Then A and I got on the train home, all good fun, till we got to London and found the Victoria line on the tube was closed along the part we needed.
We ended up using the Northern Line to Euston, then walking from Euston to Kings Cross for the overland to home. And A, bless her little heart didn't complain one iota even during the crush of the rush hour Northern Line and the similar crush for the walk down Euston road. I have such a good kid, I'm really proud of her.
I dropped her off home an hour late, but because I had phoned ahead, no problems, A was a little tearful, but soon got over that when she got to show mummy the gap in her pearly whites and the note from the Tooth Fairy.
On a very bizarre note, just prior to dropping A off, she announced that she was both black and white, but a little more black than white. (I'm white, my ex-wife is black, just in case you haven't realised yet.) I asked her why she was more black than white. The answer, "Because mummy told me so, what do you think daddy?".
A careful balance of good parenting and an honest answer was required. I really wanted to say, "Well darling, mummy is a fruit cake, loon or whatever you want to call her, and you are mixed race, both black and white, but in equal parts, and to be honest, your colour is not an issue, you are you and that is all that matters", but I compromised with myself and my daughters needs.
I came back with, "Well darling you are black and white, but in equal parts, but what is more important is that you are you", which I thought very diplomatic, accurate, succinct, and child friendly.
My ex-wife really is a fucking nutter! What was she trying to achieve by this, was she hoping that A would love her more than me because A was convinced she was more like mummy than daddy? At some point A is going to realise that she cannot rely on her mother for an honest and decent answer for most things, all I can do in the meantime is correct as nicely as possible what I see that is wrong, and wait for A to make her own mind up. If I became overly assertive in my dealings with this kind of crap, I would probably end up hurting A or putting her in the middle of a war. This way takes longer, but eventually the analytical skills of A will mature enough for her to realise who is a reliable source of information and who is not.
Anyway, on with the day, I headed off to the pub to meet P & D, got very drunk on a bottle and a half of dry white wine, then headed home, and I'm really proud of myself, I didn't even buy a kebab on the way home.
Got home and had a little chat for a while with a couple of people, who were a little funny with me, till I realised that my usual image for IM had somehow been replaced with one of a soapy woman's backside! Some drunkard friend who titted about with my computer is going to get a slap in the near future!
I'm now finally rolling off to bed, and I very much anticipate the delivery of GTA San Andreas tomorrow curtsey of Amazon.... Fingers crossed.
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