Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Sweet relief, the pain has gone! :)

At long last the pounding pain of an astounding headache from hell, known as a migrane has gone, the white out of my vision has passed and I have stopped vomiting, time for another blog update...

What I didn't mention in the Dave post, that as the evening went on, a great deal of text messaging went on between myself and Sandy, it came to light that she actually quite fancied me, was comfortable in my company with in a few minutes and thought I was a gentleman too. (weird huh! :))

I guess the thinks I'm a gentleman because I didn't try and jump her, nor turn up in the middle of the night in her room trying it on. It is true, she is on the money, I am fiercely moral, and always do the right thing, even thinking the wrong thing tends to upset me.

As I'm quite sure you have guessed I think she's great, but I didn't tell Sandy that I quite fancied her on Saturday for a few of reasons:

The first is that I happen to know she is living with someone at the moment, and even though she says that the relationship is dead, I've known more than my fair share of women who say similar things and then stick around in a terminal relationship for years anyway. So if she was just getting her stress off her chest (think Venusians for those that have read the book) and wanted me to sympathise, but she had no intention of leaving him, then I would have turned a potential friendship into an uncomfortable situation. And what I was looking for was a friend not a partner. I did contact Sandy on FP after all, knowing that she had herself listed as "In a Relationship" on her stats, so I really wasn't expecting more.

The second was that I just didn't want to get involved with someone who is living with someone else. I set my self the limit that I was going to be divorced from my ex, before I got involved with anyone else, and I stuck to that. I'm more than prepared to wait a few weeks while Sandy sorts her shit out with her ex, I'm in no hurry, and wouldn't want to put her under pressure, nor catch her on the rebound.

The third was that we were getting on a storm. I thought it possible that Sandy might not have gone home, but have stayed at my place since she has a long journey home. Which as it happens was right on the money. How uncomfortable would you be sleeping at someone's house knowing that you didn't fancy them, but they did you, and you had to sleep at their home the first time you met. I know if the position was reversed I would have been very uncomfortable!

The final (and quite minor really) reason was, that Veronica the last woman I told I fancied her, went quite strange on me, which tends to make a guy think twice. Even though Veronica said, this was her problem not mine, it still puts shit in your head for next time.

So anyway when she had let that cat out of the bag, I told her I would have a chat to her this evening. Which I duly did a short while ago. After mucho chatto (she was quite impressed I managed to show nothing, and that I have a moral backbone!) she has confirmed that he will be leaving him soon (she has to do it right, as apparently he is quite prone to tantrums and is liable to trash her flat and car, eek) and I have confirmed that I am in no mad rush and that I'll be around when she is done. In the meantime we will be seeing each other as friends. I've made it quite clear nothing further will happen until they have gone their separate ways.

Sometimes I think I am too moral... :)


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