Thursday, September 23, 2004

A little history

I come from a provincial town in West Yorkshire, I lived there until I was 19, when I finally left for University.

There was nothing "wrong" with my home town, but nothing ever happened there, and I was never too comfortable living there.

I didn't have a hard childhood, in fact I have great parents, they are both wonderful, hard working, caring and lovely people. But at the end of the day, I just didn't like living there.

If I had to put my finger on the problem, I think I'd have to say it was losing my friend Nick when I was nine. We grew up together pretty much from birth. He lived two doors down the street and we were practically inseparable, when we both finished primary school though, my family moved house a little further out of town and his family moved off to Cheshire within the same few weeks.

The thing was, that both me and Nick were such good friends, that I don't think I had much in the way of the social skills required to make new friends, I hadn't leant them simply because I didn't need to.

So the next few years, until I left school and went to college, were pretty shitty for me, partly because I ended up being a loner, or spending all my time with people who were even more socially inept than me. Mostly being a loner though. There were other reasons for my misery, but I'll keep them for another day.

Years later, when I was a teen, I got to meet Nick again, he came back to our home town to visit his gran, he was still cool. Later I went over to visit him at his Mother's place (his parents had divorced by then) in Manchester, we promised to keep in touch, but you know how kids are, we never managed it.

I still don't think I have got over losing my best friend from all those years ago.


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