Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Treadmill My Arse

I spent most of today feeling nauseous. Due to the previous night's lack of sleep and my ever-so-strange dreams.

So much for my planned mental and physical exhaustion though hard exercise. That never happened, but I did manage total exhaustion anyway, as you'll see.

I hit the ground running hard at work, trying to make up for lost time and keep the self destruct thoughts out of my head. I'm definitely going to have to speak to the doctor about upping my dosage, I spent a lot of today fighting off thoughts of self-harm.

Around lunch time I agreed a truce with V after Sunday night's bust up. That alone caused a hell of an improvement in my mood. A good thing for sure.

Spent the rest of the day working hard, there's a lot of catching up to do. (More to come tomorrow on that subject I think.)

I managed to finish work at around 5:30ish then popped home, had a shower, changed clothes and collected a few computery things. Then at last managed to move onto a pleasant night round at V's home.

Most enjoyably went on to spend an evening fighting to fix a computer that didn't want to be fixed, whilst having good conversation with a great conversationalist, watching telly and eating curry. All good.

Got home at about 2AM, avoided sleep for another hour or two (afraid of a recurrence of last night's dreams I think), then fell into my pit exhausted for about three hours sleep.


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