Thursday, October 21, 2004

Busy day ahead...

Right, this morning, once I have finished this (and sitting in front of my light) I have the following things to do:
  1. Move all my furniture from the walls, I have a bug spray guy arriving this morning.
  2. Collect a replacement card from the bank. Did I mention one got stolen the other day?
  3. Golf lesson at 11:30 for an hour
  4. Drop by Chelsea, to the optician that my neighbor works for, and get the lenses on my glasses cut into a new smaller shape. Now that I have a thinner head, these glasses are a little excessive.
Oh, and put all the furniture back as well I guess once the bug spray guy has gone.

I think I'm going to need a good night's sleep this evening,

I've still not heard anything back from the job interview, so I think its pretty safe to assume I didn't get it. Bugger, I may have to start looking properly now!


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