Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Crazy lady is back once more.

Just rolled in from the pub somewhat squiffy, and had a little IM chat with S, she claims that her ex has married his new g/f after only 4 weeks.

This was the reason she got so angry about the whole flowers thing...

No, doesn't make any sense to me either.

Personally, I'm inclined to think this is yet more bollocks she is inventing in her quest to be THE drama queen. Even if it is true, her total overreaction and sniping at me make her a drama queen in the extreme anyway. The guy was a shit so she claims, so why be bothered that he married someone else, lucky escape surely? Then again, I'm being a pragmatist, and it's not my emotions we are talking about.

Anyway, she's hot, so I'll let her have some leeway, I'm not dumb enough to let her control me, so no biggie.


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