Friday, February 18, 2005


I tried to speak to Sandy a few times today, but no joy was had. I'm pretty sure she is just not answering her phone to me. Now the paranoia is really getting going!

On a more positive note, I went to the pub with Dermot and Phil this evening an a had a great time trying to guilt trip them into coming to my new home this weekend and helping out at the painting party. Phil is out of town at a gig in Reading, so will be unable to attend, but did say he would be happy to help out in the evenings for the rest of the week. Dermot is however available, but made it quite clear he would rather die than turn up and paint my house for me! Obviously I laid it on thick for him, and we shall see this weekend if it did me any good.

Just in case I came across as a manipulative bastard, this is the nature of the relationship between Dermot and I, we both bitch and complain when asked to do anything, but we help each other out in the end, what else are mates for? :)


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