Wednesday, October 20, 2004

A bad night's sleep

Didn't get to sleep last night till gone 5:30AM, stayed up late buying shit off the Internet and generally avoiding my bed while the thoughts cycled around in my head.

I've been awake since about 9ish. I don't feel tired. So I'm probably due for a crash later this afternoon.

I've realised that I've had no physical exercise in days and that I've not been using my SAD light since the weekend because I've been lying in.

I've decided to get up at 8 and use the light every day, regardless of whether I'm working or not. And every day I'm either going to go practice golf or get on the treadmill.

I'm going to have to seriously look at what I'm doing at the moment, as I suspect that I'm seriously self destructing on many different fronts at the moment.

Work, relationships, exercises, tidying my home, prepping for my visit from the tax man, paying my tax bills, paying for my divorce, all of these things seem to have gone on hold, or into active decline. Not good.

Right I'm waiting for my SAD light to finish for the morning, and then I'm off to practice golf on the driving range for the first time in a couple of months.

Then I'm going to come back and tidy my flat from top to bottom, and finally going to sort through the huge fucking pile of paperwork that has to be done.

Tomorrow, more of the same.

Wallowing in self-pity is not helping me, so it has to end.


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