Thursday, November 11, 2004

Coming to terms with who I am

Started the day after a whole hour of sleep last night. Woo! I seem to be OK though, so no complaints.

I went to see the doc, via a cafe where I got a toasted bacon and fried egg sandwich (plenty of brown sauce and black pepper if you're interested).

Had an interesting session with the quack, she concurred with me, that the time has come for me to accept that permanent medication is the way forward. She also upped my dose, as I'm not doing too well at the moment, and only gave me a script for another month, so that I am forced to come back in for review sooner rather than later.

I've been on anti-depressants on and off for a couple of years at a time for the last 12 years. Every time I wean myself off of the them, the symptoms return after maybe a few months to a couple of years. My father has been on permanent meds for the last 8 years and he has never been happier.

The doc has also referred me to a psychiatrist, so I shall be visiting the shrink at some time in the near future. She was obviously somewhat worried at my condition, as she told me where the nearest emergency psychiatric unit is! I don't think I'm that bad, I seem to be functioning at the moment, so no real serious problems, I feel quite stable at the moment. (See yesterday's post regarding rejection in general.) But I am generally quite depressed.

Didn't go to the pub this evening (shock horror!), P was at the Nick Cave gig and D failed to supply a reason but cried off anyway. Tried to sort something out at short notice with V, but she wasn't in the mood. No change there then.

Anyway eating too much, and now I'm off to buy a shish kebab. If I eat any more yoghurt, I will go mad.



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