Another short night's sleep, followed by an alarming day...
'Holy Crap, Batman', feels like a line that is highly enough charged to start this entry with!
Today at 1:30PMish I got a call from a friend of my ex-wife (Siren/The Evil One(TM)) saying that she had been taken to hospital with a suspected stroke. Pins and needles down one side, paralysis of certain parts of her body and so on. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel a bloody thing for this woman (that's a lie, I actively dislike her), but the implications of this call were enormous.
My initial reaction was to check on the kids, Angel was being picked up by the friend's partner (as they had two kids at the same school), and I made arrangements to pick up Murray from his school.
Then once the immediate panic was over the enormity of what was happening began to settle on me...
First of all, if Sire had had a stroke and was unable to look after the kids permanently, well shit, what I have wanted all along (custody of the kids) would be happening from the moment I went to pick them up!
Second of all, I thanked my lucky stars that I had not cancelled the life insurance I had on Siren's life, I was advised to keep it running, as her death or injury would still directly affect me when I became primary carer for both Angel and Murray.
Third was the notion that I'm gong to lose this job, here I am dashing off for the second Tuesday in a row, last week it was because of a migrane, now it was parental duty. If I have to leave next Tuesday, they are going to assume I'm up to something! And of course that was not the bigger picture, if I did have to become primary carer for the kids, I would have no one to look after them for me. So I'd have to put my job on hold (if they would let me) until I could sort out some kind of cover. There is no way having been with Sandy for only two days that I'm going to ask her to move in and start looking after my kids, that is sooooo not taking things slow! :)
Anyway, I went and picked up Murray from the school, explained to him what was going on, and the first thing he asked was what was happening to Angel (bless him!), once he was reassured that she was OK, we headed off home, all the while I tried to allay his fears for his mum.
We headed back to my place and he and Sandy started kicking the crap out of each other on Tekken.
I made a call to let iren's friend know that I had collected Murray, and to make arrangements for collecting Angel from her. At this point I was told that Siren had not had a stroke, but had in fact torn some muscles/tendons/ligaments/whatever in her neck, which had seized up, swollen and applied pressure to her nerves, causing the symptoms. Siren was awaiting her prescription (heavy tranquilisers!) and would be able to take receipt of Murray later in the afternoon.
This doesn't surprise me, Siren used to do the most stupidly dangerous things when we were together, rather than ask for help. On a number of occasions rather than ask me for help she ended up doing herself serious damage. At the moment she is moving house, so God alone knows what kind of crap she is 'heavy lifting' at the moment, no doubt she is using the extra special 'fuck yourself up for life' posture (knees straight, back bent, not vice versa) while lifting too!
Once Murray had been returned to his mum, and I had said a brief hello to Angel, I headed back home to spend the rest of the night with Sandy...
We had a lovely evening. We popped out to the supermarket, bought all the required items to make a lovely Chinese meal, then headed home to cook it up and have a lovely dinner together.
Later Sandy noticed that I looked a little tense and asked me if there was something wrong, god this girl is observant, she'd seen me stiffening up a couple of times during the evening. As it happened, I was still thinking about the earlier events with the kids and also having difficulty switching off from work, something big came up yesterday that I was still trying to get my head around.
So about an age later (may have been 1-2 millennia) when the back, neck and shoulder massage finished, I was kinda relaxed again (read as: practically comatose). I'm feeling relaxed now, just typing this up. :)
Again tried to get an early night, but no joy, we ended up laying in bed chatting till the early hours again. I must make an effort to get a good night's sleep tonight, otherwise we will run out of things to talk about sooner rather than later! :)
Today at 1:30PMish I got a call from a friend of my ex-wife (Siren/The Evil One(TM)) saying that she had been taken to hospital with a suspected stroke. Pins and needles down one side, paralysis of certain parts of her body and so on. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel a bloody thing for this woman (that's a lie, I actively dislike her), but the implications of this call were enormous.
My initial reaction was to check on the kids, Angel was being picked up by the friend's partner (as they had two kids at the same school), and I made arrangements to pick up Murray from his school.
Then once the immediate panic was over the enormity of what was happening began to settle on me...
First of all, if Sire had had a stroke and was unable to look after the kids permanently, well shit, what I have wanted all along (custody of the kids) would be happening from the moment I went to pick them up!
Second of all, I thanked my lucky stars that I had not cancelled the life insurance I had on Siren's life, I was advised to keep it running, as her death or injury would still directly affect me when I became primary carer for both Angel and Murray.
Third was the notion that I'm gong to lose this job, here I am dashing off for the second Tuesday in a row, last week it was because of a migrane, now it was parental duty. If I have to leave next Tuesday, they are going to assume I'm up to something! And of course that was not the bigger picture, if I did have to become primary carer for the kids, I would have no one to look after them for me. So I'd have to put my job on hold (if they would let me) until I could sort out some kind of cover. There is no way having been with Sandy for only two days that I'm going to ask her to move in and start looking after my kids, that is sooooo not taking things slow! :)
Anyway, I went and picked up Murray from the school, explained to him what was going on, and the first thing he asked was what was happening to Angel (bless him!), once he was reassured that she was OK, we headed off home, all the while I tried to allay his fears for his mum.
We headed back to my place and he and Sandy started kicking the crap out of each other on Tekken.
I made a call to let iren's friend know that I had collected Murray, and to make arrangements for collecting Angel from her. At this point I was told that Siren had not had a stroke, but had in fact torn some muscles/tendons/ligaments/whatever in her neck, which had seized up, swollen and applied pressure to her nerves, causing the symptoms. Siren was awaiting her prescription (heavy tranquilisers!) and would be able to take receipt of Murray later in the afternoon.
This doesn't surprise me, Siren used to do the most stupidly dangerous things when we were together, rather than ask for help. On a number of occasions rather than ask me for help she ended up doing herself serious damage. At the moment she is moving house, so God alone knows what kind of crap she is 'heavy lifting' at the moment, no doubt she is using the extra special 'fuck yourself up for life' posture (knees straight, back bent, not vice versa) while lifting too!
Once Murray had been returned to his mum, and I had said a brief hello to Angel, I headed back home to spend the rest of the night with Sandy...
We had a lovely evening. We popped out to the supermarket, bought all the required items to make a lovely Chinese meal, then headed home to cook it up and have a lovely dinner together.
Later Sandy noticed that I looked a little tense and asked me if there was something wrong, god this girl is observant, she'd seen me stiffening up a couple of times during the evening. As it happened, I was still thinking about the earlier events with the kids and also having difficulty switching off from work, something big came up yesterday that I was still trying to get my head around.
So about an age later (may have been 1-2 millennia) when the back, neck and shoulder massage finished, I was kinda relaxed again (read as: practically comatose). I'm feeling relaxed now, just typing this up. :)
Again tried to get an early night, but no joy, we ended up laying in bed chatting till the early hours again. I must make an effort to get a good night's sleep tonight, otherwise we will run out of things to talk about sooner rather than later! :)
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