New Year's Resolutions
OK, I've given it some hard thought, and here's what I have come up with:
- Back on "The Diet". I have been shit at eating of recent, and I have put on some weight, I need to get back to the "one true path" once more.
- I need to get back on "The Exercise Regime", to whit I shall be back in the treadmill at least three times per week every week.
- I am going to go on a date at least one-two times per fortnight as spare time dictates.
- I am going to stop being such a stupidly shy fuck. Thus I shall talk to more chicks, and I shall get more telephone numbers, and I shall get laid more often. Two and a half years is too long a drought. Although I did plan this, its time has ended now.
- I am going to be more selfish. I spend too much time being nice to other people, caring about their wellbeing, while they in turn suck me dry (and no we are not talking sex here.) There are however levels to which I will not stoop.
- I am going to show a little more commitment to my work life. Time to stop blowing things off, fucking about until I am sacked and all the usual shit.
- I am going to read Getting Things Done, and I am going to make an effort to stop being such a hopelessly disorganised half-whit in my personal life. In a fine example of irony, I have had this book in my collection for six months, I have yet to get further than a couple of pages into the preface! :)
- I'm going to try cycling to work if they have a shower at the new place and somewhere safe to park. (This will get me off the hook with the treadmill, if it comes off.)
- I will start to cook for myself, and stop with the tinned/packeted shit.
- Less alcohol, its been getting out of hand of recent. Back to 14 units a week, not 21 a night!
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