Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Chrimble...

Woo, well the day started with snow in Yorkshire! My brother even went out and scraped the ground enough to make a tiny snow ball, just so he could say the played in the snow on Christmas day. Tragic I know. :)

Well what did I get? I got lots of books from Father Christmas, and lots of promises regarding house warming presents for the new house (assuming the sale goes through).

I was also introduced to the genre of bridge building computer games by my brother.

We had a lovely time opening presents, my mum loved her smoothie maker, my dad loved his books, my brother was a little confused by the printout I gave him showing the balance transfer into his saving account (He thought my balance was what was in his account, I moved £50 not several thousand :), and finally T (brother's g/f) was super happy with her ikkle bottle of Chanel No 5 pure perfume.

We all sat down for a couple of meals together as part of the Christmas day experience.

Lunch was massive! Turkey, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, sage and onion stuffing, carrots, roast parsnips, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, green beans, and gravy. I did really well, I managed to:
  • Walk away from the table, and
  • Reign in the will to eat so much I couldn't breathe properly! :D

This is the last time I will get to spend Christmas here, now that my parents have bought a place on the coast to retire to, next Christmas will have to be spent elsewhere, more than likely my new place (assuming that all goes well etc...). The end of an era, I thought it would mean something to me, and it does at a low level (I have after all spent most Christmases here since I was 12), but it doesn't seem to feel as important as I thought it was. I guess I walked and talked as a child then, but now I am an adult, and these things are lower on my "importance of things scale-o-meter".

After we had had the huge-o-lunch, we all went for an afternoon constitutional in the park. Hmmm walking thought the mud and ice! Yay. Then I got to drive back down to Londinium, joy!
The drive down was excellent though, there was nerrey another car upon the road, so I managed to make a 220 mile journey in about four hours with a 20 minute break in the middle for an espresso and a latte.

When I got home I dropped a few things off, and then made my way to D's house, he also had his estranged wife a-visitn' too, so we all ate too much and chatted about silly things (and serious ones too, I guess), until I headed home for a kip, so that I could type this up, get some kip then pick Angel up tomorrow for the drive back to Yorkshire.

Hope you enjoyed your day too.


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