Wednesday, October 13, 2004

A good day

Today I heard from an ex-employer that they want me back!

This is sooooo good for me, it means that my CV will show that I don't leave jobs on bad terms and that I make enough of an impact to be requested at a later date.

Curiously, I would have been absolutely overjoyed at such an event, and don't get me wrong I was happy with the news, but given that I just don't need external validation anymore, the impact was one of recognition and pride, rather than an uncontrolled outburst of emotion.

Tomorrow I'll be meeting a couple of people to start contract negotiation for my return, spare mojo would be appreciated from those that can pass it my way.

This evening was a cracker, I went out with V to a nice Thai restaurant near where I live, then we retired to my place, watched some TV and had some hot Mario Kart: Double Dash action, and then I walked V down to the tube station to go home. We were both really animated and it was the most fun I have had in ages.

All in all, I think I'll file today under the heading "Good". This is becoming quite a habit. A habit I'm not going to complain about though.


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