Wednesday, September 29, 2004

An early night

Spoke to my dad this evening, got a lot of stuff off my chest, I'm feeling better for it, I've decided to wait till the weekend, when I'll get to have a day or two off (two, two, please let it be two!) for the first time since I came back from my holidays five weeks ago. I soooo need a day off and some time to relax.

If I'm still feeling really down on Monday, I'll make an appointment with the quack.

Right, I'm off for half a bottle of red wine, a hot bath with plenty of relaxy-herbal-bubbly-smell-nice and this week's Time Out.

If all else fails, try pampering yourself, you never know.

I'm hoping for a good night of sleep as an encore.

[Edit: Arse, Nearly half twelve, had a bath but still here... :( bugger!]


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