Thursday, September 30, 2004

Lethargic, oh so lethargic...

I think I may have overdosed on the Radox last night, by the time I got out of the bath I had managed to relax the living bejesus out of myself.

I only drank a couple of glasses of the red, but that was enjoyable for a change. I'm not one for red wine normally as it tends to give me a headache, but in this case, it was a present from a friend, and obviously cost a bit more than I usually spend on a bottle of wine. (After careful empirical analysis, I've found that anything above £7/bottle or so, means no headache, go figure.)

Add that to a whole six hours sleep, which for me is like having an extra hour or two lie-in in the morning, and I have the muscle tone of a jellyfish(1).

Work has been hard this morning, the project manager has started to flap a little (with reason, see posts passim). As a result, I am working hard at the moment.

I'm looking forward to the pub tonight.

(1) A jellyfish who is considered by his jellyfish friends to be REALLY relaxed.


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