Thursday, October 07, 2004

A good evening, but a middling day...

The film (sorry, documentary) yesterday was very good. In fact it turned out to be three and a bit separate films.

Capital Ill,
Suits and Savages, and
The Yes Men.

Capital Ill was proof that I am moving towards middle age, it depicted the people involved in the anti-capitalism marches of the last few years. It was somewhat ironic that they espoused peaceful protest and yet turned up in gasmasks and wearing swimming goggles, then as far as I could see, spent an awful lot of time goading the police.

By the end of that film (sorry, documentary), I quite wanted to join in with the police myself, and that's me, who happens to think along the same lines, that the WTO, IMF and World Bank are institutional evil!

Suits and Savages, the second film (sorry, documentary), was about a programme in India ostensibly to protect the Bengal Tiger, that had gone a little nasty.

I came away from that one feeling that the people doing the science and making the equations where earnest. The people using those equations to hand over the cash where earnest. Even the people on the ground who had been displaced form their forest were earnest.

Unfortunately, in between these layers of earnest and committed people, there was a layer of Indian bureaucracy, that had taken the opportunity to tell the people of the forrest to move on (with some subsidy) and in some cases forcefully moved those people on, even though the guys providing the cash said the move was strictly optional.

Once they had moved the indigenous people on, what did they do? Er well they kitted out the Police with 4x4s and guns, then called them "Rangers" and they put some nice new roads in. Then it all kind of fell to pieces when they STARTED LOGGING!

The numbers of Bengal Tigers, not entirely unsurprisingly continue to dwindle.

From a non-content point of view, my real problem with this film (s, d) was that it could have done with some more editing, it seemed to drag and was a bit haphazard. But what the hell, it was way more accomlished than I'll ever manage in a career of film making.

The second-and-a-half film (etc.) was a five years later follow up to the Suits and Savages, left me somewhat depressed at the abject lack of correction that had occurred, given that a report had been made by the guys supplying the cash, indicating that A LOT was wrong.

The final documentary (woo hoo, got it right that time!) was The Yes Men, this was the film I went to see. Imagine a bunch of hippies, who ditch the sandals and beards, dress up in suits and turn up to meetings they have been wrongly invited to (their web site was easily mistaken for the WTO's site), who then turn up and talk about the benefits of slavery and child labour in developing nations. Yes as I'm sure you can imagine it was a hoot!

Well worth going to see, I can highly recommend it.

After the cinema, we all (myself, P and D) headed off to the pub and had a couple of jars of booze. Then the most amazing thing happened, a bunch of roaming masseuses turned up (Urban Chill) and I had a head, neck and shoulder massage, where I got to decide how much I forked over. As I explained to the lovely lady that did my massage (Justine), she can obviously see a man with a big bank balance, no impulse control and a serious guilt control problem. I managed to reign in the guilt a little and only handed over £20.

Anyway after a couple of pints of muscle relaxant combined with a proper physical relaxing massage, I feel physically great today still. Happy happy joy joy.

Didn't get to speak to V all of yesterday, not even a text, given the amount of contact of recent, I felt like a piece of my life was missing just before I went to bed, and couldn't work out what it was until I reviewed the day. Hopefully, I shall speak to her tonight when I roll in from the pub after my usual Thursday night drinkies, pissed as usual.

As for today, er... well work has been nothing special so far, it sucks but I just don't care, I'm still taking a page out of the book and living in the now.

Right I'm off to lunch now...


Blogger boo said...

so that is what you did... today... cool...

Friday, October 08, 2004 2:03:00 am  

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