Sunday, October 03, 2004

A pleasant weekend so far

Yesterday was a good day.

I went to Borough Market, bought some food, popped round the corner and went to work for a few hours. But I get to charge for the whole day, which means I worked for about £150/hour (YAY!).

Then I went home, cooked myself a great steak and mash, chatted in IM to V, watched some TV and generally slobbed out. I then popped out and got the DVD for tonight's viewing and I may or may not have bought some ice cream while I was there. (Ooops, I may or may not have eaten a tub of Ben and Jerry's, I may or may not be most contrite about this.)

This morning I had a MIGHTY lie-in and didn't get up till gone eleven (an extra four hours in bed!!!*), which means I had a good nine hours of sleep last night, an event that has not occurred in at least a year that I can think of.

I feel like a God right now, relaxed, happy and stress free. Fuck the job, who cares, I change jobs every few months anyway, how is this different? Maybe I'll get the next job in an office full of easygoing super models, who knows? Who cares?

This afternoon, I'll be popping over to V's place to do some more computer fixing (hopefully) and to watch the DVD, all in all a nice day.

Hell, I've even enjoyed doing my laundry today, and that I know, for a fact, that that is just plain sick!

Happy days.

(* I HATE multiple punctuation, so that shows you exactly how happy I am about that little factlet.)


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