What happened to the last week?
First of all I'd like to say just how much I hate the corporate proxy here (the poxy proxy), the fucking thing insists on dropping connections, usually when I am posting to Blogger! Bastard thing. Of course when you hit back on the browser, you lose the post too... Now I'll reconstruct that last post from memory...
What happened to last week? Er, I may have been abducted by aliens... Oh no, now I remember I was very (very very) busy, As can be confirmed by posts in the buying a home blog!
There has been lots and lots (and lots and lots) of stuff happening in that part of my life.
But dear reader, I wouldn't want to deprive you of your need to read about the more mundane day to day existence I have endured, so here is a quick rundown of the last week, well the bits that come even slightly close to worthy of being mentioned...
Tuesday 25th: Finally got an authorised timesheet to get paid with, unfortunately I had missed the courier so I had to jump trough hoops and hand deliver stuff in order to get paid. I also was correct in my assumption about putting on weight, I had put on 7lb! Shit fuck wank etc..
Wednesday 26th: Lots of stuff happened with the house, but not much else worthy of note.
Thursday 27th: Went to the pub with the chaps as usual, talked nonsense and consumed far too much food for the day.
Friday 28th: Had a chat to Sandy, it seems she will still be living with her ex in her new home, he will be paying the bills until she can get housing benefit sorted out. He is doing this under the impression they can work it out and be happy together. She is doing it in order to get some of the cash she lent him back, as she assumes he will never pay her back willingly. I'm OK with this, the old, more paranoid, version of me would have been quite pissed off. But I trust Sandy for now, I told her I was not too happy about it, but understood her reasons. And as long as they are not sharing a bed (separate bedrooms apparently) and not intimate, I can be cool about it. Obviously if she does start sleeping with him again, it's over. No surprises there! Sandy said she would come over for a few days from Sunday evening.
In other news Left work early and collected the kids, and my parents arrived late in the evening.
Saturday 29th: The whole clan went to Borough Market and then onto the London Aquarium (I had mentioned seeing "Nemo" to Angel, so she had to go). I was a great day out which the whole family enjoyed. So I can recommend the London Aquarium for both kids and adults equally.
I cooked a roast for the whole family in the evening, I'm really getting into cooking roasts for some reason. I even did extra veggie bits for the parents, and it went down great. It was so good, that my dad and I ended up coming back from the pub in the evening much earlier than planned, as my dad just didn't have the space for any beer after eating seconds of the roast. A resounding endorsement of my cooking, even of I do say so myself!
Sunday 30th: The clan headed off to the café in the morning (luckily the waitress who is sweet was on me was not there, Sandy indicated that scratching the poor thing's eyes out might have been in order if she had been! I hope that was a joke... :) ). Then we all saw the parents off back to Yorkshire from whence they came.
The rest of the day was spent with the kids, alternating between the two of them, with one I was painting/making pictures from glued down coloured straws and with the other playing Halo 2. Then both kids were dropped of at Siren's place. Sandy didn't come over she realised she had an early morning appointment this morning, so she will be dropping over this evening instead.
Other than that I estimate I consumed 7,000 - 8,000 Calories for the day (at least five times what I needed for the day), not sure what is causing this self destruct at the moment. I was OK with the clan decamping and heading off, I was OK with Sandy canceling at the last minute, the medication seems to be working. A little more introspection is required I think...
Today so far: Nothing to report so far, I have managed to get a signed timesheet, all is well with the cash, life is a joy, and I'm looking forward to spending this evening with Sandy. No I won't be reporting on this activity, if you want that kind of detail, so see Steve.
What happened to last week? Er, I may have been abducted by aliens... Oh no, now I remember I was very (very very) busy, As can be confirmed by posts in the buying a home blog!
There has been lots and lots (and lots and lots) of stuff happening in that part of my life.
But dear reader, I wouldn't want to deprive you of your need to read about the more mundane day to day existence I have endured, so here is a quick rundown of the last week, well the bits that come even slightly close to worthy of being mentioned...
Tuesday 25th: Finally got an authorised timesheet to get paid with, unfortunately I had missed the courier so I had to jump trough hoops and hand deliver stuff in order to get paid. I also was correct in my assumption about putting on weight, I had put on 7lb! Shit fuck wank etc..
Wednesday 26th: Lots of stuff happened with the house, but not much else worthy of note.
Thursday 27th: Went to the pub with the chaps as usual, talked nonsense and consumed far too much food for the day.
Friday 28th: Had a chat to Sandy, it seems she will still be living with her ex in her new home, he will be paying the bills until she can get housing benefit sorted out. He is doing this under the impression they can work it out and be happy together. She is doing it in order to get some of the cash she lent him back, as she assumes he will never pay her back willingly. I'm OK with this, the old, more paranoid, version of me would have been quite pissed off. But I trust Sandy for now, I told her I was not too happy about it, but understood her reasons. And as long as they are not sharing a bed (separate bedrooms apparently) and not intimate, I can be cool about it. Obviously if she does start sleeping with him again, it's over. No surprises there! Sandy said she would come over for a few days from Sunday evening.
In other news Left work early and collected the kids, and my parents arrived late in the evening.
Saturday 29th: The whole clan went to Borough Market and then onto the London Aquarium (I had mentioned seeing "Nemo" to Angel, so she had to go). I was a great day out which the whole family enjoyed. So I can recommend the London Aquarium for both kids and adults equally.
I cooked a roast for the whole family in the evening, I'm really getting into cooking roasts for some reason. I even did extra veggie bits for the parents, and it went down great. It was so good, that my dad and I ended up coming back from the pub in the evening much earlier than planned, as my dad just didn't have the space for any beer after eating seconds of the roast. A resounding endorsement of my cooking, even of I do say so myself!
Sunday 30th: The clan headed off to the café in the morning (luckily the waitress who is sweet was on me was not there, Sandy indicated that scratching the poor thing's eyes out might have been in order if she had been! I hope that was a joke... :) ). Then we all saw the parents off back to Yorkshire from whence they came.
The rest of the day was spent with the kids, alternating between the two of them, with one I was painting/making pictures from glued down coloured straws and with the other playing Halo 2. Then both kids were dropped of at Siren's place. Sandy didn't come over she realised she had an early morning appointment this morning, so she will be dropping over this evening instead.
Other than that I estimate I consumed 7,000 - 8,000 Calories for the day (at least five times what I needed for the day), not sure what is causing this self destruct at the moment. I was OK with the clan decamping and heading off, I was OK with Sandy canceling at the last minute, the medication seems to be working. A little more introspection is required I think...
Today so far: Nothing to report so far, I have managed to get a signed timesheet, all is well with the cash, life is a joy, and I'm looking forward to spending this evening with Sandy. No I won't be reporting on this activity, if you want that kind of detail, so see Steve.