Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Chrimble...

Woo, well the day started with snow in Yorkshire! My brother even went out and scraped the ground enough to make a tiny snow ball, just so he could say the played in the snow on Christmas day. Tragic I know. :)

Well what did I get? I got lots of books from Father Christmas, and lots of promises regarding house warming presents for the new house (assuming the sale goes through).

I was also introduced to the genre of bridge building computer games by my brother.

We had a lovely time opening presents, my mum loved her smoothie maker, my dad loved his books, my brother was a little confused by the printout I gave him showing the balance transfer into his saving account (He thought my balance was what was in his account, I moved £50 not several thousand :), and finally T (brother's g/f) was super happy with her ikkle bottle of Chanel No 5 pure perfume.

We all sat down for a couple of meals together as part of the Christmas day experience.

Lunch was massive! Turkey, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, sage and onion stuffing, carrots, roast parsnips, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, green beans, and gravy. I did really well, I managed to:
  • Walk away from the table, and
  • Reign in the will to eat so much I couldn't breathe properly! :D

This is the last time I will get to spend Christmas here, now that my parents have bought a place on the coast to retire to, next Christmas will have to be spent elsewhere, more than likely my new place (assuming that all goes well etc...). The end of an era, I thought it would mean something to me, and it does at a low level (I have after all spent most Christmases here since I was 12), but it doesn't seem to feel as important as I thought it was. I guess I walked and talked as a child then, but now I am an adult, and these things are lower on my "importance of things scale-o-meter".

After we had had the huge-o-lunch, we all went for an afternoon constitutional in the park. Hmmm walking thought the mud and ice! Yay. Then I got to drive back down to Londinium, joy!
The drive down was excellent though, there was nerrey another car upon the road, so I managed to make a 220 mile journey in about four hours with a 20 minute break in the middle for an espresso and a latte.

When I got home I dropped a few things off, and then made my way to D's house, he also had his estranged wife a-visitn' too, so we all ate too much and chatted about silly things (and serious ones too, I guess), until I headed home for a kip, so that I could type this up, get some kip then pick Angel up tomorrow for the drive back to Yorkshire.

Hope you enjoyed your day too.

Friday, December 24, 2004

I got it!

I've got the investment banking job, now I just have to tell the other lot that I can't work for them any more, unfortunately that agency is closed for the hols, but its not like they can do anything anyway.

I've just had a great day helping my mum with the Christmas shopping, we await my brother and his g/f arriving this evening, and all is well.

If I don't get back to you for a while, have a very merry Christmas!

I love you all! (In a special, grown up kind of way.)

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Change of plan

I woke up this morning feeling much better (not like totally well or anything, just a lot better). I think I may be being allergic to the job or at least the office... :)

The plan was to let my friend J finish doing some stuff to my car, and then for me to pack everything into the car and head North to Yorkshire at about 11AMish. It hasn't quite worked out that way though.

As I was walking up the road for a bracing breakfast at the café, I got a call from the agency, it seemed that the bank wanted to do a second interview. Yay! Today. Boo! This afternoon. Double Boo!

So I had to rearrange things, I went to the interview and it was a cracker! The woman who interviewed me, was cool, she had been out of the country when I did the first interview (which she told me I aced BTW) and she wanted to check I was not some abrasive primadonna who was going to wind up her team terribly.

I felt it went really well, and although I'm probably counting my chickens before they have hatched, I'm not-so-quietly confident about this one.

I then packed all the prezzies and my clothes into the car, and drove 200 miles North with watering eyes and a streaming nose, oh how I love this cold!

And here I sit with my father's notebook on my lap, typing to you dear reader.

Righty-ho I'm shattered, sleep well, night!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Mostly unwell...

Today I have been feeling mostly unwell...

Managed to get to work for 9AM (was aiming for 8:30AM), that's it, no journey has taken less than 2 hours each way, I'm not doing it any more, even if the other job never happens, I can't do this any more, 4 hours travel on top of a 7.5 hour day is just too much!

At lunch time, I had been getting steadily worse as the say wore on, and I finally gave in and got the train home. Yay, 3 hours work and 4 hours travel, another winning day! Not.

Spent the rest of the day curled up in bed, I'm having another early night and I really (really really) hope I feel much better for the drive up to Yorkshire tomorrow.

Right I'm of to lie down.

Normal less whingy service will resume once I am better, honest.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Interview and day two...

Well I went for an interview with an investment bank this morning, it went really well, and I can do with a job closer to home and better paid than the one I started yesterday. Hopefully I get to find out if I got the job tomorrow or the day after, then I can quit this job, and reduce my commute times to something less ridiculous.

Obviously I told the guys I'm currently working for, that I had a checkup with the doctor. Don't want to burn that bridge till I have to...

Got to work for middayish, still fuck all to do, busied myself with more reading and installing the tools required for the job on my PC.

The sly buggers at South West Trains run two trains an hour at the same time past the hour all day long, except I learned by chance, for just two in the late evening, which run 5 minutes earlier. Luckily, even though I was unaware, I arrived 6 minutes early, so I got the train. :)

I've been feeling pretty shitty since mid afternoon, hopefully I'm not coming down with a cold or flu. Spoke to J this evening, she's been laid up in bed for the last 3 days, hope I didn't pick up her lurgy when she stayed over last Thursday.

Right I'm going for an early night tonight, hopefully my nose, throat, and sinuses are less raw tomorrow... Yeah right.

Monday, December 20, 2004

New job, blurg. :(

What a shit day!

Got up early, after bugger all sleep. Made my way to the tube, got sold the wrong ticket and had to explain at every ticket barrier. :(

Got to Clapham Junction (the busiest train station in Europe no less) , where the computes running the timetable system were down. Asked the nice lady at the office on platform 11 which train to take at 8:21, she said to take the 8:26 and then rushed off to wave the 8:21 off, so I bought a cup of coffee and got on that train, where I was fined for having the wrong ticket.

Then realised that the silly moo had sent me on the wrong bloody train, so I ended up at Chessington World of fucking Adventure.

Got the train back to the stop before the line branches in the wrong direction, and then finally got to work at the new job only an hour late.

Then I found out that they expected me to have a couple of grands worth of notebook PC with me!

Oh and the boss was on holiday.

Oh and there was fuck all to do but read pointless documents until the new year...

Went home (all the while explaining at the same fucking ticket barriers).

Ate and here I am.

Shit, I need my bed. Hopefully I'll be a bit more fun tomorrow.


Sunday, December 19, 2004

Lazy day once more...

I spent the day doing the quality parenting time with my daughter today.

We played Mousetrap, watched films, painted, and generally cheesed about. I got to cook a lovely Sunday roast, pork bellies and lots and lots of veggies with scrummy gravy, yum!

And now I sit here all alone thinking that it has been one of the best days of my life. And it has.

Right I'm off to bed nice and early now, I have a job to go to in the morning! :D