Saturday, November 06, 2004

Any suggestions?

I've been playing a game of interpret the horoscope for a few days now, suggestions would be appreciated:
"There's an interesting scenario brewing, involving a coworker, someone from out of town and someone you trust intensely. It may be surprising, but the end result will undoubtedly be positive."
On the upside, it looks like one of my prior clients wants to re-engage me if they can get the budget. It was my all time favourite job ever, so that would be cool.

S and I are back on talking terms, but I have definitely decided not to make it anything more than friends, she is far too much hard work. I know she has a lot going on in her life, father recently died, mother sick, recently separated from none-too-nice ex and so on, but I need to keep focused on making me happy and not other people, certainly not other people I don't know too well.

Friday, November 05, 2004

After much texting...

Decided to give up on ever getting it on with S, she is great to chat with, but she blows hot and cold all the time, and its doing my head in.

Things got a tad leary, my fear of being robbed came to the fore and I totally overreacted.

Although to be honest I was overreacting to a woman going mental with overreaction.

Granted her dad died a few weeks ago and she then admitted she is having serious financial problems due to taking time off when her dad died.

Ha ha, I'm a cock, no new news there!

Sent an apology be email, hopefully we can be friends, but probably not. :(

Went to visit...

... my brother at short notice.

Then came back to London, had lunch with my new semi-gf (S) at short notice.

Then she cancelled tomorrow lunch at short notice, after I paid today's bill and she planned to pay tomorrow's bill.

I feel like I am being had.

I want to think the best, but after being taken for a £0.5M ride the last time on this merry-go-round I am disinclined to go again.

I am such a fucktard.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Not ready...

I was told today that I am still not ready for another relationship...

Worth thinking about, personally I think that that is a load of crap, but I will consider it.

Pretty rich considering it came from someone who kept turning the conversation back to their ex, and how upset they were about the breakup, and whom I had to convince not to go trash their ex's car!

I think someone is not over their ex, and that someone was not me.

Displacement perhaps?

I'm living in the Matrix...

Deja vu! This is getting wired now...
"Talk about enthusiastic! You'll be having a wonderful time, no matter where you are -- as will everyone who has the honor and pleasure of your company. Step on into the spotlight. You've earned it."

Monday, November 01, 2004


Fuck me! Wow!

Such a refreshing change to meet someone who is honest, open, chatty, witty, etc, etc.

How could I have been such an arse?

Obviously the paranoia will kick in later... :)

Horoscope not funny anymore...

Today's message:
"A long-distance friend or lover will move you to make a great change -- and soon, too. Your enthusiasm will be boundless, and your imagination as well. Enjoy this highly creative, energy-filled time."
Scary shit!

I shall update you as the day progresses.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

More horoscope fun...

Today's horoscope seems written for me directly:
"If you aren't soon with someone charming and exotic, well ... it won't be for lack of trying on their part. Keep your eyes open and your mind open even more so. (As if anyone ever had to tell you that!)"
Is my life being monitored? Are these horoscopes being prepared in advance?

This morning I got up and finished off the business plan as best as I am able, there are gaps to be filled still, but I will have to sit and chat a while with S (the initial of the lady in question).

I spoke to my brother (M), and his girlfriend (T), and they both had a check of her profile, both told me to stop being paranoid, she clearly says she is a spontaneous person, so it is not too surprising that she could take a shine to someone, and hope to see them that very night. T also carefully scrutinised the photos on the profile and claimed she is a girl. I am such a paranoid fool.

Again S and I planned to meet up, but this time for lunch. This time she called it off, she sent me a text saying that she had checked her bank account and that her employer had not paid her yet. So she couldn't afford to go out to lunch. The plan to meet has moved back to some time this week when she has her cash.

The fact that she cancelled at the last minute, claiming cash problems, caused alarm bells to ring once more. My immediate interpretation, is to assume that this is a motivation for me to offer to pay her costs. But I am going to stop being such a paranoid fool. I didn't do my usual thing of offering immediately to pay, I just suggested we meet for coffee instead. But no go, the money is an issue for her. So later in the week it will be. I shall look forward to it.

S has just been online and has been most contrite and seemingly embarrassed about the whole cash thing. More food for thought.