Today I went for an interview for a job with a previous employer...
I'm not feeling too hot about it, I think socially I came across OK, and technically I though I was OK too, but the Programme Manager that interviewed me first, seemed a little brusque, and seemed to narrow down on my failings in no time at all. I didn't get much of a chance to talk about my strengths with him, he was more interested in what I couldn't do.
I should have mentioned that holding down a job is on my list of shit that I can't do too. Ha ha.
Apparently the important thing was to come across as a sociable person, so that was what I did.
Anyway, I have fed back to the agency, what I thought of the interview, and hopefully I'll get some good news from them in the next day or so. Fingers crossed and any spare mojo you have please!
V and I are in discussions about going to New York for a long weekend, that would be nice to do.
In the discussion I mentioned my place on her friends ladder (as per
yesterdays post about Ladder Theory), she thought it funny, it was, it was a nice way of saying how I see things. I really don't want to be a thorn in her man's side, him constantly thinking that I'm sniffing around for a chance as soon as he makes a mistake.
V knows how I feel (I wear my heart on my sleeve, so it would be hard not to know), and I'm pretty sure I know how V feels, so that's OK, but I wouldn't want to be a burden on her current relationship.
Of course it is all well and good me saying that, but the real issue is his trust in her to do the right thing.
As I learnt with my ex-wife, just because you're not going to do anything, doesn't mean your partner cannot be insanely jealous because the person you are with is interested. My ex-wife was convinced that any woman I spent my time with was after me, and obviously I would have no willpower. The fact that I would kill myself will guilt after the act neither here nor there! Sheesh.
But I digress, having said that, if I were a burden, V would tell in no short order, so I'm comfortable with things the way they are.
Now I just have to make the effort to get off my arse and go buy those rollerblades....
Although, I guess I should make an effort to pay my two current tax bills and the bill for my divorce... Clean the house. Etc....
Rollerblades are on the back burner I think... Possibly its time for me to make a list of urgent shit to do.