Saturday, December 04, 2004

Busy day

All the stuff we planned for today, we did. Woo I'm exhausted!

Mum didn't freak at the restaurant. So that was good.

I need bed now, I just spent the last two hours trying to remove all kinds of popup/adware/spyware crap from my dad's laptop. Fun!


Friday, December 03, 2004

Weekend ahead

Well today I performed some preemptive laziness in preparation for the afternoon.

I picked up Angel from the school gates and headed straight up the M1 to my parent's place, five hours of extreme concentration, behind the wheel, entertaining a bored child, in mostly rush hour or equivalent motorway traffic!

I don't like the journey, but it is great to make that sacrifice to be with my parents and daughter simultaneously.

The plan for this weekend appears to be to get up tomorrow, go for a healthy brisk walk with my dad to start the day, then head into town get a few things and then head to the next town over and go for a Greek lunch (I luuuuurve Kleftiko!).

This may cause a few problems, the last time we went there, I found a tiny caterpillar on my salad, I'm OK with it, these things happen, my mother on the other hand is not so happy at the prospect, and may well kick off. Eeek! Fingers crossed.

Tomorrow evening involves a local pub , which reminds me I must text D&E and see if they are around for a couple of hours at the pub before I join my dad at the other pub. (I must improve my contact skills, more warning for friends is a good thing!)

Right I'm off to bed to read, and get some kip in for the morrow. Luckily I don't have to put the little one to bed, obviously she has been joined at the hip to my mum since we got here, so all kiddie maintenance activities (other than delivery of Asthma medications) are taken by the parental units, they love it, so does Angel, and I don't get a look in. All good. :)

One last thing, yesterday's bizarre suggestion, actually seems to have come off. An employment agent thinks he has an ideal position for me, so much so that he has offered to give me a contract (which will in effect be worthless) so I can get the mortgage underway. Its an interesting idea, and If I wasn't really extending myself doing this, I'd probably take him up on it. But as it is all my money is at least three months away, it's earning high rates of interest, but I can't get it out quickly. What to do? I don't want to buy this place, and then have it repossesed before I can get the money together to pay the first few mortgage payments!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Crisis of confidence

Today was spent, second guessing my every move, until I realised I was doing myself no good (and frankly not changing a bloody thing anyway).

I spent a lot of the day on the phone getting details for various forms, and looking at ways of speeding up the whole home buying process.

For some reason a whole host of clients suddenly need people with my skills, so I took about 20 phone calls from various employment agencies regarding a number of positions, so it does look pretty positive at the moment as far as a job goes, whether this will come in time for me to be able to commit to the mortgage is an interesting issue...

I had a very interesting suggestion put to me today, for which I was expecting a follow up this afternoon that never came, although this was an employment agent, so saying "I'll call you later this afternoon", really means, "I may call you back, and if I do call you, it will be at some point in the next three working days". So we shall see what happens in the next few days. :)

I may or may not have devoted a part of the day to playing Halo 2 as well.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Today I finally gave in an caught up with my paperwork, I have two big Ikea boxes full of folder organisers full of paperwork from the last three months or so that had to be sorted, filed and acted upon.

This is all in preparation for the mountain of paperwork that will be required for the whole mortgage thing.

Other than that the rest of the day was spent harassing the employment agency trying to get a heads up from the bank I had the interview with earlier this week. No joy, apparently they are interviewing people until Thursday now, so no chance of an answer until Friday. Add to that, that it is not a good idea to be the first they interview, as I'll no longer be fresh in their minds, and I'm starting to think that the odds are stacked against me here!

Oh, and I may have devoted an hour or five to obsessively scouring Jobserve for jobs and applying for them, whilst also submitting to a little warfare in the form of Halo 2.

Apart from that a very relaxed day, I must make an effort to go out and get a little exercise.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Today I am the laziest man on Earth!

Today I got up at 9AM, did my morning routine in the bathroom, then went back to bed and read my book until 1PM.

Then I got up made myself beef madras and rice, went back to bed and ate it while reading my book.

I followed this with a couple of hours playing Halo 2.

Then I had a little kip from 4:30 until 6:30ish.

I got up, had a quick IM chat with a friend who cried off our planned night out this evening, apparently he was still recovering from a weekend in Prague.

I checked for the mail, which luckily had been dropped on my doormat by my neighbor when she returned from work, so I didn't even have to go down stairs. There was lots of mail all related to home buying. I read though that, and formed a game plan.

I popped out to the supermarket for a few essentials.

And then a bit more Halo 2, some Kingdom of Loathing, and now I'm back off to bed to read more of my book.

What a glorious day, but tomorrow I must start making lists and plans regarding the planned house purchase, especially with regard to money.

Nighty night.

Monday, November 29, 2004

The interview

It all went well, unfortunately they have other people they are interviewing until Wednesday, so I won't hear until Thursday earliest...

Fingers crossed.

I'm starting to stress about this now. :(

Time to try some positive thinking.


The offer on the new home has been accepted...

Now I have to focus on getting the job, and not coming across as being desperate!

Please funnel all mojo, good thought and positive karma this way at 4PM!


Sunday, November 28, 2004

Moroccan food and good conversation

Went to a lovely Moroccan restaurant yesterday evening with J, the lovely lady I was crushing on a while ago. The food was great (I've never had Moroccan before, so it was all new to me) and the wine was good, but the conversation was better.

We talked about lots of things, people places and how to fix the world and our lives.

This morning we got up and headed upto my favourite cafe (next door to the previous evening's food) and had a huge fry up. Yum!

Then we went for a walk in the park and we drove past the front door of the place I'm trying to buy, so she could see where it was.

J being an adorer of all things DIY, has already offered her services and those of her nephew to fix the place up come the summer, should I need the help (or have the cash to pay).

I dropped her off at the station, and being the tragi-geek that I am, I proceeded to play Halo 2 for the rest of this afternoon and this evening and er... this night too!

So much for more housework. Although I did have a visitor with a few technical needs, so I made an effort to do the washing up and the hoovering before arrival, so not a complete wasted day.

What the hell it's the weekend, who said I have to do anything? :)